Eugene weekly

the first week

Friss topikok

  • Lauren at ELAW: We miss you already, Agnes! I'm so glad you enjoyed your time here in Eugene. You are welcome back... (2010.03.17. 16:54) last Sunday of the Fellowship
  • Cassie C.: I've been to Portland several times, but have never had such an adventure there. I guess it's too ... (2010.03.12. 01:50) short visit to Portland
  • Cassie C.: My "reliable source" came from National Weather Service & Underground Weather :) (2010.03.05. 19:31) Week of the PIELC
  • taktim: I just want to remind you that EMLA office in Budapest also has a very special atmosphere: sedativ... (2010.02.26. 14:55) 15/2/2010-21/2/2010
  • Cassie C.: I am glad that you like the Chinese New Year Celebration:) (2010.02.16. 22:14) the 6th "7"


The second week (from Saturday afternoon)

2010.01.17. 22:27 agnes.g

Dear Reader,

I had returned from skating in the afternoon when Maggie called me and asked whether I was in the mood for going with her and with one of her friends to the cinema in Springfield. We saw the new film of Hilary Swank, Amelia.

Sunday I was in the Hult Center at a concert of the Oregon Mozart Players. The performance’s title was South of the Border, and the repertoire were set up from symphonies of contemporary Mexican, Brazilian and Argentinean composers.

On Tuesday I got up early in the morning, because I went with Jen and Cassie to Salem to a public hearing of a bill. On the way Jen was talking about the grounds of Oregon’s legislative process and about the bill, which would allow individuals to put solar panels on their roofs, generate electricity and sell it to the local utility at a fair price.

The hearing took two hours from 8:00 am. According to the committee’s agenda some other measures had been introduced and referred until the public hearing of the mentioned bill began. I was listening to all the testimonies, but sometimes it was not too easy to understand everything. We arrived in Eugene 30 minutes before my class, so I had to hurry to the university.

I have English classes from 10:00 (or 11:00) am until 16:50 (or 17:30) pm with a break in early afternoon, that’s why weekday evenings I rarely attend facultative programs. This week I also chose elective classes (academic vocabulary), thus I will have plus three lessons.

Wednesday morning I met Mark and Meche again. This meeting became a weekly discussion which aims to strengthen scientific arguments of our cases. That morning we were talking about the harmful effects of noise.

To discover the countryside of Eugene, Cassie, her friend and ex-roommate (whose name – I am sorry! - I cannot spell) and me were hiking today (Saturday) morning in the Mt. Pisgah Arboretum near to Springfield.

I uploaded some pictures to illustrate my blog, hopefully the homepage I have chosen to publish my photos will be available:

Tbc (I mean, "to be continued")




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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

drkiss1970 2010.01.19. 13:41:08

Dear Agnes,
This is great to follow you through these days from a distance at least. We are happy that you are enjoying your stay, but we are sorry to see on your pictures that the weather is not very nice to you. Let us know what you are up to, and also how you feel. We wish you all the best from Budapest,
(that is simply not true that I ordered EMLA staff to comment you blog, it was a mere encouragement, motivation, inspiration, request, you name it)
(but those who did not comment it will be severely punished)

drkiss1970 2010.01.21. 15:17:47

Dear Agnes,
Happy Nameday!
(try to explain it to the Americans)
süti beállítások módosítása