Eugene weekly

the first week

Friss topikok

  • Lauren at ELAW: We miss you already, Agnes! I'm so glad you enjoyed your time here in Eugene. You are welcome back... (2010.03.17. 16:54) last Sunday of the Fellowship
  • Cassie C.: I've been to Portland several times, but have never had such an adventure there. I guess it's too ... (2010.03.12. 01:50) short visit to Portland
  • Cassie C.: My "reliable source" came from National Weather Service & Underground Weather :) (2010.03.05. 19:31) Week of the PIELC
  • taktim: I just want to remind you that EMLA office in Budapest also has a very special atmosphere: sedativ... (2010.02.26. 14:55) 15/2/2010-21/2/2010
  • Cassie C.: I am glad that you like the Chinese New Year Celebration:) (2010.02.16. 22:14) the 6th "7"



2010.01.25. 06:53 agnes.g

Dear Reader,

Thank you very much for the “Nameday” greetings on Thursday. I celebrated it with (self-made) pancake and maple syrup, ‘because I did not find moules-frites.

The third week began with sunshine, but the weather became cloudy and rainy soon. Actually the rain can’t annoy me, if I always keep moving, thus I don’t feel cold. J The weekend’s theme was “walking in the rain as much as you can”.

The Mount Pisgah Arboretum and The River Path System are the best places to get exercise after a week you were sitting in your office or in a classroom… and the Sweet Life Patisserie is the best place to recompense (the homepage can better explain my feelings:

On the weekend I was in the Fern Ridge Reservoir, too. I think I surprised my new friends at ELAW how I arranged my excursion to the lake. They told me they had never known anyone who had been there with bus. I had to confess, I hate driving and I used to travel with our well-organized public transportation in Hungary… ahem :) … obviously.

Anyway, travelling with LTD was a valuable experience in getting to know people of different social strata. Later, after visiting the reservoir, I had been on the verge of hitchhiking, because I had been standing by the highway, waiting for the bus over one hour, but the bus arrived at last… I felt reborn when I arrived in the ELAW house.

In our weekly discussions with Jen we focused on nuisance law, because it is the basis for many environmental and land use cases. She said, stigma cases had been tried first as nuisance cases: toxic waste dumps stigmatize one’s land if it is nearby, decreasing the marketability of the land.

On the weekdays mostly I spent my time at the university, as usual. This week began the elective course (academic vocabulary) as well as the working in the new oral skills class.

I uploaded some new pictures…




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drkiss1970 2010.01.25. 11:10:56

Dear Agnes,
You don't even know how we like your blog. I am planning to write a message to John Bonine or Maggie to ask them to advertise your blog a little over ELAW, so you can get more hits and comments. You would love that, I know ... hehe. Anyway, keep up the good work and keep sending us interesting stories and photos. And enjoy your stay.

taktim 2010.01.25. 13:58:23

Dear Agi, I write to ensure you and everybody that it is not only Csaba who read your stories, which are really amusing. Keep it up! Timi

Lauren at ELAW 2010.01.29. 00:19:38

Hi Agnes,
I finally figured out how to leave a comment on your blog! I had to use Google Translate to navigate the instructions. I am happy to hear that you are enjoying Oregon and making the best of wet situations. I'm having fun reading about all about all of your adventures. I would love a chance to take you somewhere you haven't been yet - the coast? Portland? live music? You name it!


Lauren at ELAW 2010.01.29. 00:37:32

@Lauren at ELAW: oops, now I can't figure out how to edit my own typo. :)

Cassie C. 2010.01.29. 01:36:20

Finally got here! Thanks for Lauren's direction :)

To add to Agnes' diary, she also went to the "Amazonia Exhibition" on Sunday and we were having a "meaningful" conservation about "Mothers and Colors"! Very interesting.

agnes.g 2010.01.29. 19:00:51

@Lauren at ELAW: Dear Lauren,
thank you for offering to help me in getting acquainted with Oregon, and I say yes, of course. I have planned to travel to Portland, but it wouldn't be so pleasant, if I were there alone :)

drkiss1970 2010.02.03. 09:56:54

Dear Agnes,
I see now that you are building a small community over there! Congratulations!
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